Monitoring & Coaching

When you imagine your website to be like a vegetable garden, it helps with visualizing how online marketing works. When you are organizing your garden (website), you need to plan which plants you want to sow, which will flourish in your soil and what your plant (target audience) wants and needs. After you have planted your garden (organized your online marketing), it is important to keep monitoring its progress. This is what is called online marketing monitoring.

Keeping track of your results

Are your advertisements getting the desired results? Are your social media creating revenue? We can show you how to monitor the results of your online marketing tools and then take steps to optimize them. Interestingly, everything online is measurable. So why not put that to good use? We will measure, reflect, monitor and adjust. By continuing this process, you will learn from your tools and be able to build on them. Social Elephant is highly experienced when it comes to organizing and shaping the whole spectrum of online marketing.

Schedule a personal meeting

Our working method has already proven to be successful for a great number of companies. Do you also want to improve your online marketing? Schedule a meeting with Social Elephant founder and online marketing expert Nico van der Zaan.

Personal coaching

Online marketing consists of several different disciplines. Our strategic advisors are happy to coach you personally every step of the way. We are a full service online marketing company, and we can help you with, for example, A/B Testing, Social Media and Search Engine Optimization. Our driven young network of specialists are eager to get to work and help your company get to the next level. Based on our extensive experience, we know how to collect data and translate them into concrete lines of action. From research to strategy to execution and monitoring: Social Elephant is the right fit for all your online marketing queries. We will make sure vegetable garden will flourish.